December 27, 2014
All good things happen for a reason, so they say. Over the Christmas holiday I was ambushed by an epic cold and the only good thing that came from it was this thought: share more Cold & Flu Bomb recipes because sometimes you have to mix it up! Normally, I live and breathe by my standby Cold & Flu Bomb recipe using 3 essential oils, Oregano, Melaleuca and Immunity Impact Blend. This protocol has always helped me and my family, always! But whatever I picked up in Colorado called for more than one kind of bomb, I used THREE. While researching options, I stumbled upon a nifty blog that shared the writers own rendition (and cost breakdown) of DIY On Guard Plus. This was a score for me because I love anything with Black Pepper and Melissa in it. Black Pepper in a natural expectorant and Melissa is super anti-viral and a tonic which means it's very soothing to all body systems. I'm currently raving about Cold and Flu Bomb #3, especially with a dash of Lime if a cough is involved. However, I now have a bottle of DIY On Guard Plus at the ready but hopefully I won't need it anytime soon! Without further adieu, here's a string of recipe cards that you can print and add to your EO Journals. If you'd like to learn more about how pure essential oils can knock out a cold or flu naturally, without messing up the good flora or, compromising immunity like synthetic antibiotics can, please follow this link to my post all about natural antibiotics and why they work.
Remember, switching up your EO blends is beneficial when you've been dosing more than 3 to 4 days. We all respond differently to EOs and one man's miracle can be another's dismal failure! Also, I can't state strongly enough that consistency is your key to success! Pure essential oils are assimilated very quickly, there's no time-release action. Be consistent, be consistent and be consistent some more.
Cold & Flu Bomb #1
Be sure your essential oils have a dietary standard on the label. Add all EOs to a size 00 gel capsule for internal use. Take one capsule every 2 to 3 hours with food in your stomach. As symptoms subside, reduce dose to 3x daily for 3 to 5 more days. Stay hydrated, wash your hands!
Multiply drops by 3. Add to glass 10ml roller bottle, top off with fractionated coconut oil. Apply to feet every 2 to 3 hours and follow the same duration for internal use above.
Multiply drops by 4. Add to a 2 oz jar of warmed CW Naked Salve, stir and let cool. Apply to feet every 2 to 3 hours and follow the same duration for internal use.
Recipe By: CampWander
Cold & Flu Bomb #2
Be sure your essential oils have a dietary standard on the label. Add all EOs to a size 00 gel capsule for internal use. Take one capsule every 2 to 3 hours with food in your stomach. As symptoms subside, reduce dose to 3x daily for 3 to 5 more days. Stay hydrated, wash your hands!
Multiply drops by 2. Add to one glass 10ml roller bottle, top off with fractionated coconut oil. Apply to feet every 2 to 3 hours and follow the same duration for internal use above.
Multiply drops by 4. Add to a 2 oz jar of warmed CW Naked Salve, stir and let cool. Apply to feet every 2 to 3 hours and follow the same duration for internal use.
Recipe By: CampWander
Cold & Flu Bomb #3
Be sure your essential oils have a dietary standard on the label. Add EOs to a size 00 gel capsule for internal use. Take one capsule every 2 to 3 hours with food in your stomach. As symptoms subside, reduce dose to 3x daily for 3 to 5 more days. Stay hydrated, wash your hands!
Multiply drops by 3. Add to one glass 10ml roller bottle, top off with fractionated coconut oil. Apply to feet every 2 to 3 hours and follow the same duration for internal use above.
SALVE Multiply drops by 4. Add to a 2 oz jar of warmed CW Naked Salve, stir and let cool. Apply to feet every 2 to 3 hours and follow the same duration for internal use.
Recipe By: CampWander
DIY On Guard Plus Blend
Be sure your essential oils have a dietary standard on the label. Add all EOs to a size 00 gel capsule for internal use. Take one capsule every 2 to 3 hours with food in your stomach. As symptoms subside, reduce dose to 3x daily for 3 to 5 more days. Stay hydrated, wash your hands!
Add 40 drops. Add to one glass 10ml roller bottle, top off with fractionated coconut oil. Apply to feet every 2 to 3 hours and follow the same duration for internal use above.
Add 60 drops to a 2 oz jar of warmed CW Naked Salve, stir and let cool. Apply to feet every 2 to 3 hours and follow the same duration for internal use.