Everyone wants and needs a good night's rest. Dreamy Sleep Salve is infused with a...
Lavender - Lavandula augustifolia essential oil is the world's most loved essential oil and for...
Everyone wants and needs a good night's rest, that's why most Dreamy Sleep Blend fans...
The world's most loved essential oil and for good reason! Smells like heaven and boasts...
For a safe and gentle sleep remedy that might calm your little night owls. Also...
Cinnamon Bark - Cinnamomum zeylanicum essential oil is powerfully anti-viral, high in antioxidants, anti-parasitic, analgesic,...
Geranium - Pelargonium graveolens essential oil is an all time favorite of mine! I consider...
Tired mommas ask me often for a safe and gentle sleep remedy that can calm their...